Аккорды The Police - Miss Gradenko

Добавлено: @vitos
Дата добавления: 25 Марта 2013г.
Просмотров: 520
E7 D7

E7 D7 E7 D7
Don't tell the director I said so
E7 D7 E7 D7
But are you safe, Miss Gradenko?
E7 D7
We were at the policy meeting
E7 D7
They were finding new ways of cheating
E7 D7
I don't want to rock your boat
E7 D7 E7 D7 E7 D7
But you sent this dangerous note
E7 D7
You've been letting your feelings show

A D9
Are you safe Miss Gradenko?
Miss Gradenko are you safe?

Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody at all in here?

Nobody but us
Nobody but us
Is anybody alive in here?
Nobody but us

Your uniform don't seem to fit
you're much too alive in it.
You've been letting your feelings show
Are you safe Miss Gradenko?
Miss Gradenko are you safe?
Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody at all in here?
Nobody but us in here
Nobody but us
Is anybody alive in here?
Nobody but us in here
nobody but us
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