Аккорды The SteelDrivers - Good Corn Liquor

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 27 Марта 2024г.
Просмотров: 57
It's a pretty simple tune, I believe they play the same progression through the whole
song, playing E or A the whole time, other than when he says "Good Corn Liquor" at the end
of every phrase. At that time, I do a little run that goes G F# E and then I go into the 
E. I usually play the notes at the same time I say each word, so when I sing "Good" I
hit the G, "Corn" I hit the F#, and "Liquor" I hit the E and then go into a strum.

Good luck and have fun!
E   A   E   A   G   F#   E

Well the sun don't shine
On a moonshine still

[Verse 1]
A                                   E
Copper line hiding in the side of a hill
It'll get you there
It'll get you there quicker
A                      G    F#    E
Fruit jar full of that good corn liquor

[Verse 2]
Now when I was young
About five or six
Daddy lost a job and my mama took sick
And times got tough
And mama got sicker
Daddy started running that good corn liquor

Well the sun don't shine
On a moonshine still
Copper line hiding in the side of a hill
It'll get you there
It'll get you there quicker
Fruit jar full of that good corn liquor

[Verse 3]
I remember that night
It was a blood red moon
And daddy was doing what he had to do
When a shot rang out
And the sheriff pulled the trigger
And daddy stopped running that good corn liquor

Well the sun don't shine
On a moonshine still
Copper line hiding in the side of a hill
It'll get you there
It'll get you there quicker
Fruit jar full of that good corn liquor		
Цель музыки - трогать сердца (Бах)
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