Аккорды Tom Rosenthal - Woes

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 81
 D:     F#m:     A:      E:    
 -2-     -2-     -0-     -0-
 -3-     -2-     -2-     -0-
 -2-     -2-     -2-     -1-
 -0-     -4-     -2-     -2-
 -0-     -4-     -0-     -2-
 -0-     -2-     -0-     -0-

(Some parts will sound best with the barre chord version, particularly the "E")

D      F#m              A
Was it worth it for the view?
D             F#m          A
It all looked good from up there. 
D       F#m           A
All the roses were in bloom. 
D         F#m           A
There was pollen in the air. 

D                A
It all comes and goes. 
D                A
It all comes and goes. 
          E      D      A
All these woes. 
All these woes.

D           F#m            A
I put three daisies in the notebook 
D               F#m             A
And watched the petals all fall out. 
D         F#m           A
It made a mark upon the paper. 
D           F#m                 A
A mark that could not be rubbed out. 

D                A
It all comes and goes. 
D                A
It all comes and goes. 
          E      D      A
All these woes. 
All these woes.

D      F#m      A  
D      F#m      A  

D                A
It all comes and goes. 
D                A
It all comes and goes. 
          E      D      A
All these woes. 
All these woes.
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