Аккорды U2 - She's A Mystery To Me

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 30 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 56
The chords are simple:  C	  F    C    G

The G is played like this- just like an F but up two frets


When you get to "night falls..." and "she tears..."  it's F  and  G

C			F		C
	Darkness falls and she
	G			C
Will take me by the hand

Take me to some twilght land
Where all but love is gray
And I can't find my way
Without her as my guide

F			  G			   F
Night falls, I'm cast beneath her spell
				 G				C
Daylight comes, our heaven turns to hell

	F	   C		  G
Am I left to burn and burn eternally
She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl
A mystery girl
She's a mystery girl
A mystery girl

And in the night of love
Words tangled in her hair
Words soon to disappear
A love so sharp it cuts
Like a switchblade through my heart
Words tearing me apart

F		 G					F
She tears against my bleeding heart
				 G				C
Try to run but she's pulling me apart

Fallin angel cries
And I just turned away
She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl
A mystery girl
She's a mystery girl
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeee's  a mystery girl

Wanted by her side
It's the darkness in her eyes
That soon will sing to me
And if my love is blind
Then I don't want to see
She's a mystery to me

Night falls, I'm cast beneath her spell
Daylight comes, our heaven turns to hell

Am I left to burn
And burn eternally
She's a mystery to me

She's a mystery girl
A mystery girl
She's a mystery girl
A mystery girl
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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