Аккорды Wade Bowen - My California

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 27 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 56
Capo 2

          Bm                A                   G        Em7
There's something about the way you move that moves me   Mmm
         Bm           A                G
Like you never had a fence around your heart
     Bm                A             G          Em7
I can't explain what your kiss does to me, but I lose me 
         Bm       A            G
Like an LA sky full of unseen stars

You are untame
You are free

G                      Bm                               A
You are my California wild, wild west and a gold rush dream
G                                       Bm                             A
Walking around with a spotlight on your beautiful Hollywood silver screen
G         D       A
Don't ya' know I want ya
        Bm            A             G
My California

       Bm            A                 G       Em7
That shoreline has a certain kind of beauty   Mmm
 Bm                       A                    G
Once you've seen it, you don't see things the same
   Bm                A                G             Em7
You linger like red wine made in the valley Ya you leave me' 
  Bm              A              G
longing for just one more sweet taste
You are timeless
You get me high

G                      Bm                               A
You are my California wild, wild west and a gold rush dream
G                                       Bm                             A
Walking around with a spotlight on your beautiful Hollywood silver screen
G         D       A
Don't ya' know I want ya
        Bm            A             G
My California
You are untame
You are free

G                               Bm                                              A
You are my California wild, wild west and a gold rush dream
G                                                           Bm 
Walking around with a spotlight on your beautiful Hollywood 
silver screen
G               D        A
Don't ya' know I want ya
        Bm           A               G
My California
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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