Аккорды William Percy French - Abdullah Bulbul Amir

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Августа 2024г.
Просмотров: 29
[Verse 1]

D7                          G
The sons of the Prophet are brave men and bold,
C                          G
And quite unaccoustomed to fear;
D7                             G            C
But the bravest by far, in the ranks of the Shah,
G            D7     G
Was Abdullah Bulbul Amir.

[Verse 2]

D7                     G
This son of the desert in battle aroused,
C                            G
Could spit twenty men on his spear;
D7                        G        C
A terrible creature, when sober or soused,
G            D7     G
Was Abdullah Bulbul Amir.

[Verse 3]

D7                         G
There are heroes in plenty and many of fame,
C                                G
In the ranks that are led by the Tsar;
D7                             G          C
But the bravest of theee was a man by the name,
G       D7        G
Of Ivan Skavinski Skavar.

[Verse 4]

D7                        G
The ladies all loved him, his rivals were few,
C                                 G
He could drink them all under the bar;
D7                             G         C
In fact quite the cream of the Muscovite team,
G        D7        G
Was Ivan Skavinski Skavar.

[Verse 5]

D7                            G
One day this bold Russian had shouldered his gun,
C                             G
And donned his most truculent sneer;
D7                           G           C
Downtown he did go, where he trod on the toe,
G           D7     G
Of Abdullah Bulbul Amir.

[Verse 6]

 D7                                G
"Young Man" quoth Abdul, "has your life grown so dull
C                           G
That you wish to end your career?
D7                           G           C
Vile infidel know, thou hast trod on the toe,
G           D7     G
Of Abdullah Bulbul Amir."

[Verse 7]

 D7                            G
"So take your last look at the sunshine and brook,
C                            G
And send your regrets to the Tsar;
D7                           G        C
For by this I imply, you are going to die,
G        D7        G
Mr. Ivan Skavinski Skavar."

[Verse 8]

D7                                        G
Said Ivan, "My friend your remarks in the end,
C                           G
Will avail you but little I fear;
D7                           G           C
As you ne'er will survive to repeat them alive,
G            D7     G
Mr. Abdullah Bulbul Amir."

[Verse 9]

D7                               G
Then that bold Mamaluke drew his trusty skibouk,
C                         G
With a loud cry of "Allah Akbar!"
D7                        G           C
With murderous intent, he ferociously went,
G        D7        G
For Ivan Skavinski Skavar."

[Verse 10]

D7                                     G
They fought alll that night 'neath the pale yellow moon,
C                         G
The din it was heard from afar;
D7                       G             C
Vast multitudes came, so great was the fame,
G            D7   G
Of Abdul and Ivan Skavar.

[Verse 11]

D7                        G
As Abdul's long knife was extracting a life,
C                        G
In fact he was shouting "Huzzah!"
D7               G                   C
He found himself struck by that wily Kalmuk,
G          D7        G
Count Ivan Skavinski Skavar.

[Verse 12]

D7                                 G
There's a tomb rises up, where the blue Danube rolls,
C                               G
And 'graved there in characters clear;
D7                                G            C
"O stranger, when passing, please pray for the soul
G           D7     G
Of Abdullah Bulbul Amir."

[Verse 13]

D7                      G
A Muscovite maiden, her lone vigil keeps,
C                                  G
'Neath the light of the pale polar star;
D7                                G        C
And the name that she whispers as ever she weeps,
G       D7        G
Is Ivan Skavinski Skavar.
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