Аккорды Ed Bruce - The Tracks You Left On Me

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 11 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 27
ATTENTION: You are experienced? Then you don't have to use Capo. USE TRANSPOSE BUTTON +2.
ATTENTION: All chords for 4 beats OR count the *

[Intro] (Violin)
X X | A7          | D           |

[Verse 1]
D                                  D
How could I have known back at the start,
    D                                  G
the day might ever come when you would break my heart.
      A                                   A
Well, here it is but, damned, if you will ever know,
      A                                D
not a trace of what I feel inside will ever show.

D*                      G
  I'm not the first and I won't be the last,
A                            D
I can only judge your future by your past.
    D                            G
And I would rather die than ever let you see
A                           D
any trace of the tracks you left on me.

| A           | D**   B7**  |

[Verse 2] (Key Change to F#, with Capo staying on II)
  E                             E
I will not go away as time goes by
         E                               A
and I'll walk around your mind until the day you die.
    B7                                     B7
And you'll keep wonderin' why you couldn't see
B7                          E
any trace of the tracks you left on me.

E*                      A
  I'm not the first and I won't be the last,
B7                           E
I can only judge your future by your past.
    E                            A
And I would rather die than ever let you see
B7                          E
any trace of the tracks you left on me.
       B7                                 E
You'll never see a sign of the tracks you left on me.

| B7          | E** E*B7*E*  ||
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