Аккорды Ed Bruce - When You Fall In Love Everythings A Waltz

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 13 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 44
ATTENTION: All chords for 4 beats OR count the *

| G           | G           || G           | G           |

G**                C**         D
We don't dance the two-step anymore,
D                                 G
all we need's a small part of the floor.
    G                             C* C/B*     C/A*     C/G*
The band can go on playin' almost anything it wants.
         D                           G            G
When you fall in love everything's a waltz.

[Verse 1]
G**                 C**          D
Eyes were meant for lookin' into real close,
D                                    G
arms were meant for holdin' what you want the most.
G                                  C*        C/B*     C/A*     C/G*
Lips were meant to say what bodies feel down in their hearts.
         D                           G
When you fall in love everything's a waltz.

G**                C**         D
We don't dance the two-step anymore,
D                                 G
all we need's a small part of the floor.
    G                             C* C/B*     C/A*     C/G*
The band can go on playin' almost anything it wants.
         D                           G            G
When you fall in love everything's a waltz.

[Verse 2]
G**               C**           D
We don't hear the music that is being played
    D                                G
but all we need's the music that our two hearts make.
G                                   C*      C/B*  C/A*     C/G*
Beating soft three-quarter time and we just sing along.
         D                           G
When you fall in love everything's a waltz.

G**                C**         D
We don't dance the two-step anymore,
D                                 G
all we need's a small part of the floor.
    G                             C* C/B*     C/A*     C/G*
The band can go on playin' almost anything it wants.
         D                           G
When you fall in love everything's a waltz.
        G                             C* C/B*     C/A*     C/G*
Oh, the band can go on playin' almost anything it wants
       D                                G
'cause we're in love and everything's a waltz.

[Outro] (Solo Violin Repeat and Fade Out)
| G**    C**  | D           | D           | G           |
| G**    G7** |C C/B C/A C/G| D           | G           |
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