Аккорды Gabe Bondoc - Monster

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 27 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 47
Standard Tuning
Key: G

Pretty easy song to play. The original recording has no guitar parts, only keyboard but
could play it on the guitar with a basic slow 4 beat strum for each chord in the verses
the interludes. The chord change becomes faster in the chorus with a 2 beat strum for 
chord (except in Bm-A-G, the G chord goes on for 4 beats, and in the last line, Em A,
the chords goes on for 4 beats each). Listen to the song and play along, you will get 
rhythm in no time! Enjoy!

Verse 1: G  A     x8

Interlude 1: G  A   x2 (I have to leave....)

Verse 2: G   A    x4

Interlude 2:
Em A (I have to leave...)

Bm-A-G-A (I'm not the one, I'm not one the one you should love)
Bm-A-G (I'm not the one you should trust)
Bm-A-G-A (I'm not the one, I'm not the one you should love)
Em  A (Oh no)

Interlude 3:
G  A  x2

Verse 3:
G   A     x8

Interlude 4:
Em  A (I had to leave...)

Chorus 2:
Bm-A-G-A (I'm not the one, I'm not one the one you should love)
Bm-A-G (I'm not the one you should trust)
Bm-A-G-A (I'm not the one, I'm not the one you should love)
Em  A

Repeat Chorus again till end.
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