Аккорды Glen Campbell - By The Time I Get To Phoenix

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
For the Baritone Guitar
Tuned to A D G C E A   

Intro: C  Am  F  C  F  

Verse 1

       Dm                     C         Em     C   Em   Dm                              
By the time I get to Phoenix, she'll be rising.              She'll find the note I left
        C        Em  C        F                         G    Dm            Em      
hanging on her door.   She'll laugh, when she reads the part,    that says I'm 
         Am   Dm                                F        Bb  G         
leaving,      cause I've left that girl so many times before.

Verse 2

Dm                                     C     Em    C  Dm  
By the time I make Albuquerque, she'll be working.    She'll probably stop at
      C               Em   C  F                       G    Dm G  Dm  Em              Am
lunch and give me a call.        But she'll just hear that phone     keep on ringing  
Dm            Bb         G  Dm                                 
off the wall,     thats all.  

Verse 3 

                                 Em            C   Dm
By the time I make Oklahoma,  she'll be sleeping.
            F   Dm               F  Em      C      F                  G   Dm   
She'll turn softly and call my name out low.  And she'll cry,  just to think, 
            Em       Am    Dm    G                          C          F
I'd really leave her.   Though time and time I've tried to tell her so.
         Dm           Em                 A    E   A    G   A   G  A   
She just  didn't know,    I would really go.
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