Аккорды Glen Campbell - Fate Of Man

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Chorus 1

( Sung )
C               G                   Am           D7
Pity a man, for he don't know, the trouble he'll pass 
going down life's road

Verse 1

( Recitative )

G                                          C
When a man is one and twenty, he thinks he knows it all; 
            D7                     G
He can't see down the road of life where he'll ever fall.
                        C                          Am      
But fall he will, as he travels through life. With all it's
pitfalls, troubles and strife.
G                         C                   D7
Now, at fifty, he's going real strong. He has him a family
     G                                                 C
and a nice little home; But old age is creepin' up his spine,
               D                G
and the day is comin' when the sun won't shine.
G                       C                   D7
Now, at sixty, he won't have to guess; He's already missed 
the boat that leads to success; But he's done his best
       C                  Am            D7
and he can't see why, the fame of life just passed him by.
 G                         C             D7            G
Now at seventy, he can see the light and he knows he's never 
been very bright. But he's done his best as he's traveled by 
C                   D        G
and now, all he can do is to sit and sigh.

Chorus 2

( sung )

C               G                  Am            D7
Pity a man, for he don't know, the trouble he'll pass 
going down life's road.

Verse 2

( Recitative )

G                         C                         D7
Now at eighty, he's ready for the reath. He's wore out his hair
    G                                                C
and two sets of teeth; He has rheumatism in his hands and feet,
Am           D7                G               
and nothin' seems good to eat. So you can pity him as he goes
C                  D7                        G
up the line. As he wobbles on the spindle and he's almost blind.
And you can tell by the way that he travels alone, that it won't be
     D                 G      
long before he's goin' home. But if he's kept the commandments
                 C                          D7
as he's traveled through life, he'll have a home in Heaven 
where there'll be no strife. He's worked all his life to get 
           C                                       Am
things the way he wants them; He comes here against his will 
D7               G
and he goes away disappointed.
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