Аккорды Glen Campbell - Good Old Mountain Dew

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Intro  A

Verse 1

Down the road here from me 
There's an Ole' hollow tree 
          D                    A
Where you lay down a dollar or two

Well you go 'round the bend and you come back again
                   E                 A  
With a jug full of good old mountain dew

Chorus 1

They call it that good ole mountain dew
    D                       A
And them that refuse it are few

I'll hush up my mug if you fill up my jug
                   E        A
With that good old mountain dew

Verse 2

Well my Uncle Bill's got a still on the hill
         D                    A
Where he runs off a gallon or two

The buzzards in the sky get so drunk they can't fly
     E             E7                A
From smellin' that good old mountain dew

Chorus 2

They call it that good ole mountain dew
    D                       A 
And them that refuse it are few

I'll hush up my mug if you fill up my jug
                   E        A 
With that good old mountain dew

Verse 3

My uncle Mort he's sawed off and short
   D                        A
He measures 'bout five foot two

But he thinks he's a giant when you give him a pint
                 E        A
Of that good old mountain dew


They call it that good ole mountain dew
    D                       A
And them that refuse it are few

I'll hush up my mug if you fill up my jug
                   E        A 
With that good old mountain dew
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