Аккорды Glen Campbell - He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Intro    D  G  D  G  

Verse 1

            D     A
The road is long
            Bm      G    Em
With many a winding turn
     A     Asus2  Bm        C
That leads us to  who knows where
          A     Bm
Who knows where

Verse 2

A   Asus2  D       A
But I'm    strong
           A7        Bm        Bb  A 
I'm strong enough to carry him
D        F#m    A
He ain't heavy    Yes he 
        D      Bm  G
He's my brother

Verse 3

Bm       D  A
So on we go
               G          Em   
His welfare is my concern
A            Bm      C
No burden is he   to bear
          A     Bm C#m 
We'll get there

Verse 4

D          A
And I know
             Bm          Bb  A
He would not encumber me
                  D    A
He ain't heavy No Lord  
        D        D7
He's my brother


G               Em  A  G
If I'm laden at all
               A        Asus2
I'm laden with sadness
     F#m        D
That everyone's heart
D7    G               Bm       
Isn't filled with the gladness
F#m  Bm   Em         A
Of   love... for one another


                      D    A
Lord It's a long long road
                    G         Em
From which there is no return
      A     A7     Bm       C
While we're on our way   to there
             A     Em  A
Why don't we share.....
G   A   D      A
And the load   Lord the load
        Bm            G      Bb 
Don't a weigh me down at all
D        A      Bm A    G A
He ain't heavy  No Lord  
        D       A
He's my brother.....
No Lord He ain't heavy
No no Lord
        D       Bb C  D               
He's my brother.........
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