Аккорды Glen Campbell - Little Green Apples

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Dsus2DDsus4DDsus2      2x 

        Em7                A7                             
Well I      wake up in the      mornin'
         Em7                  A7                          
With my       hair down in my     eyes 
         (Dsus2) - D             (Dsus2) – D – (D) – Dsus2 - D       
And she               says "Hi" 
       Em7                        A7                      
And I      hurry to the breakfast     table
           Em7                A7                          
While the      kids are goin'     off to school
(Dsus2) - D           (Dsus2) – D – (D) – Dsus2 - D       
         Am7                 D7                           
And she      reaches out 'n'     takes my hand
     Am7                 D7                               
And      squeezes it 'n'     says 
         Gmaj7                 G                           
"How ya        feelin', hon?" 
       Em7                 A7                             
And I       look across at     smilin' lips
      Em7                A7                                
That       warm my heart 
              (Dsus2) - D               (Dsus2) – D /                       
And I see my               mornin' sun 

                   Em7            A7Em7 –                      
And if that's not      lovin' me 
A7                 Em7             A7Em7A7 -                       
    Then all I've      got to say 

D                      D/A                               
   God didn't make the      little green apples
     D                  D/A                              
And    it don't rain in       Indianapolis
        Em7            A7Em7A7 -                                
In the      summertime 
Em7                          A7                          
    There’s no such thing as     Doctor Seuss
Em7                 A7                                     
    Disneyland and     Mother Goose 
    D                 D/ADD/A -                               
No     nursery rhymes 
D                       D/A                              
   God didn't make the      little green apples
     D                  D/A                              
And    it don't rain in      Indianapolis
        Em7              A7Em7A7                               
In the       summertime 
     Em7                  A7                              
And       when my self is      feelin' low
   Em7                   A7                               
I       think about your     face aglow 
     D                D/ADD/A                                
And     ease my mind 

Am7             D7                   Am7     D7                    
        Some -      times I call him      up 
              Gmaj7        G -                               
Knowin' he's         busy 
Am7                      D7              Am7                  
    And ask if he could     get away and       meet me 
D7               Gmaj7              G -                        
    Maybe grab a        bite to eat 
Dm7                         G7                            
    And he drops what he's      doin' 
     Dm7                 G7                               
And      hurries down to      meet me
         Cmaj7/G              C                               
And I'm          always late 
Am7                  D7                                    
    He sits waitin'      patiently 
     Am7                       D7                         
And       smiles when he first      sees me
   'cause he's made that way

                   Am7             D7Am7                     
And if that's not       lovin' me 
      D7            Am7        D7      Am7D7 -                        
Then      all I've      got to     say 

D                       D/A                              
   God didn't make the       little green apples
     D                   D/A                             
And     it don't rain in       Minneapolis
          Em7                A7Em7A7 -                          
When the       winter comes 
Em7                           A7                          
    There’s no such thing as      make-believe
Em7              A7                                        
    Puppy dogs,      autumn leaves
       D           D/ADD/A -                                  
 ‘No’     BB guns 
D                       D/A                              
   God didn't make the       little green apples
     D                   D/A                             
And     it don't rain in       Indianapolis

        Em7            A7Em7A7                                 
In the      summertime 
     Em7                   A7                              
And       when my self is     feelin' low
   Em7                  A7                                
I      think about your     face aglow 
     D                D/ADD/A                                
And     ease my mind 

D //

Dsus2   xx0230
D       xx0232
Dsus4   xx0233
Em7     022030
A7      x02020
Am7     x0201x
Gmaj7   320002
G       320003
D/A     x00232
Dm7     xx0211
G7      320001
Cmaj7/G 332000
C/G     332010
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