Аккорды Glen Campbell - Morning Has Broken

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 25 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0

D  G  A7  F#  Bm  G  C  F  C

[Verse 1]

C              D
Morning has broken 
G              F   C
Like the first morning
              Em  Am
Blackbird has spoken 
D              G
Like the first bird
C              F
Praise for the singing 
C                  D              
praise for the morning
G              C     F
Praise for the springing 
G              C     F  G  E  Am  G  C
Fresh from the world

[Verse 2]

Sweet the rain's new fall 
G           F   C
Sunlit from heaven
               Em Am
Like the first dewfall 
D            G
on the first grass
C              F
Praise for the sweetness 
C          Am  D
Of the wet garden
G         C       F
Sprung in completeness 
G              C    F  G  E  Am  F#  Bm  G  A  D
Where His feet pass

[Verse 3]

Mine is the sunlight
A           G   D
Mine is the morning
Born of the one light 
E        A
Eden saw play
D             G
Praise with elation 
D            Bm  E
Praise every morning
A          D  G
God's recreation 
A          D   G  A  F#  Bm  G  C  F  C
Of the new day


Morning has broken 
G              F   C
Like the first morning
              Em Am
Blackbird has spoken 
D              G
Like the first bird
C              F
Praise for the singing 
C              Am  D
praise for the morning
G              C     F
Praise for the springing 
G              C     F  G  E  Am  F#  Bm  G  D  A  D
Fresh from the world
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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