Аккорды Glen Campbell - No Vaccancy

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Intro G

G                            G7
All along the road of life I roam,
C                              G
Looking for a place to call my own.
Not a fancy mansion or a bungelo for me.
             G             G7
Everywhere I go I seem to find,
                C                 G
hanging on the door that same ole sign.
My heart  beats slow when I read on the door

Chorus 1

no vacancy.
                 C  G
No vacancy,  no vacancy.

All along the line it's the same ole sign
              D         G         C  G
a waiting for me. No vacancy, no vacancy.

My heart beats slower when I read on the door 
    D  G
no vacancy.

riff G D G C G ( on dobro)

Verse 2

G                                C
Not so long ago it seems, many a happy
dream I dreamed. Of a little nest where
I could nest and the world was free.
           G                       G7
One of the mighty warriors over in one,
             C           G
trouble and trials just begun. Faced that 
                   D  G
terrible enemy no vacancy. 

Chorus 2

No vacancy,
    C   G
no vacancy. All along the line it's the same 
                      D         G         C  G
ole sign a waiting on me. No vacancy, no vacancy.

My heart beats slower when I read on the sign
    D   G
no vacancy.

riff dobro  G  D  G

Verse 3

Brother if you live a life of ease,
               C              G
better take a moment on your knees.
Thank the Lord above for all He's done for you.
D7           G                 G7             C
Living in a world of grief and hate, hoping ever' 
day the hand of fate will remove that sign
                D  G                    
on the door no vacancy. 

                 C  G
No vacancy, no vacancy.

All along the line it's the same ole sign
             D         G         C  G
a waiting on me. No vacancy, no vacancy.

Heart beats slower when I read on the door
    D  G
no vacancy.
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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