Аккорды Glen Campbell - Somebody's Leaving

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Intro  C#  G#  C#

Verse 1

C#           G#            Bbm                 Fm  F#
Two old worn out suitcases standing by the door
                  Fm       D#m                   Fm  F#
Broken Hearts and promises scattered on the floor
          Fm                 D#m
Two empty faces there're not smiling anymore
           G#                  F#   C#
And not believeing  somebody's leaving

Verse 2

C#       G#        Bbm                     F#
Two baby blue eyes wondering what is wrong
         C#            D#m             Fm  F#
Her destination hasn't been decided on
All she knows is sadness grows  
D#m     Bbm     D#m                 G#
someone will be gone  someone she's needed
           F#   C#  
Somebody's leaving

Verse 3

Fm                 F#
Going away are the tender words 
     G#                C#
that neither one would say
But it doesn't matter whose to blame
Whose to go or whose to stay
D#m                                      G#   Fm
Three peoples lives are gonna to change today
         Bbm                    C#
And that treasured dream called family
Is something that will never be
    D#m                            C#  G#   
And all because of just one simple reason
           F#  C#  G#C#G#C# 
Somebody's leaving
Музыка дает душу вселенной, крылья разуму, полет воображению и жизнь всему (Платон)
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