Аккорды Glen Campbell - Summer Winter Spring And Fall

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
C#     G#7    C#          F#
Summer winter spring and fall
C#            G#7    C#   G#7
These are the lonely times
        C#      C#7      F#      F#m
For the times I miss you most of all
    C#            G#7        C#
Are summer winter spring and fall

C#            G#7    C#
Your love for me is over
          G#7                C#
But sweet me'ries I still recall
            C#7        F#
Each season brings its changes
But in me there's been no change at all

C#     G#7    C#          F#
Summer winter spring and fall
C#            G#7    C#   G#7
These are the lonely times

C#            G#7    C#
I thought some day I'll forget you
          G#7                C#
But the chances now seem very small
            C#7        F#
There's too much of you still here with me
To ever forget you at all

C#     G#7    C#          F#
Summer winter spring and fall
C#            G#7    C#   G#7
These are the lonely times
        C#      C#7      F#      F#m
For the times I miss you most of all
    C#            G#7        C#
Are summer winter spring and fall
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