Аккорды Glen Campbell - The Last Time I Saw Her Face

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
C  Cmaj7  C  Cmaj7  F  Dm  F  Dm   G   G7  G

[Verse 1]:
C        Dm     C  F   C   F
The last time,  I, saw her fa-ce,
C        G7              F    C         F   C    F    C
Her eyes were bathed, in starlight, and her hair hung long.
         Dm     C     F    C  F
The last time,  she, spoke to me-ee
C        G7         Am      C              F       C    Dm       C
Her lips were like, the scented flowers, inside, a rain-drenched forest

F        G7  C  Dm   C Dm   G7      C     G7    C  Am
But that was so long a–go - o, that I can scarcely feel,
C   F   C G7   Am        G7  C                   Dm  C
The way I felt before,   and if time, could heal the wounds,
F            G7  F                  G7 C            Dm
I would tear the threads away, that I  might bleed, for more.

[Verse 2]:
C              F C Dm        F
The last time, I-I-I, walked with her,
C        G7       F       C                       Am    C   Am  C
Her laughter was, the steeple bells, that rang to greet the morning sun.
             Am        G7 C  G7 C G7   C           F      C  F      C
A voice that called to every on-o-one, to love the ground we walked upon,
Dm          F   C
Those were, her good days.

[Interlude]:    C  F  C

[Verse 3]:
C        Dm     C F    C   F  C  F
The last time,  I held her ha-ha-and,
          G7     F    G7     F       C       F   C
Her touch was autumn, spring and, summer, winter too,
                 F   C  Dm         C  Dm
The last time,   I – I – I, let go of her,
C            G7   Am   C                     Am  C  Am  C
She walked a-way, into the night, I lost her in the misty streets.
           F      C Am  C                      Am         Dm   C   Dm   C   G7
A thousand months a thousand years, when other lips, will kiss her  e – e - yes,
C         F     C  F   C         Dm           F   C
A million miles beyond the moon, that's where she is.

[Verse 4]:
C              F C Dm
The last time, I-I-I,  saw her face,
C        G7           F     C         F   C      F C
Her eyes were bathed, in sadness, and she walked a-lone.
                F   C Dm         F  Dm
The last time,  she–e-e,  kissed my cheek.
C        G7         Am     C                    F         C
Her lips were like, the wilted leaves, upon the autumn covered hills,
        F  C   Am C                        Am       G7   C
Resting on the frozen ground, the seeds of love lie cold and still,
          F            C          Dm       C   Dm  C     Dm   C
Beneath a battered marking stone, it lies, for-got-ten.
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