Аккорды Glen Campbell - The Water Is Wide

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Intro D  Bm  G  A  D  Dsus4 Dsus2 D

Chorus 1

    Bm       D    Bm Em   G           D    G D 
The water is wide       I can’t cross o'er
    D/C#    Bm   G Em       A   Asus4  A
And neither have I wings to fly
      Asus4 Em  F#m  D7       D7sus4  G
Build me      a boat that can carry   two
Em             F#m    A A7     D Dsus4 Dsus2 D
And both shall row my love and I

Verse 1

      G    D    Bm      Em        D    Dsus4  D
There is a ship and she sails the seas
      Bm    Em    G    Em       A  Asus4  Asus2  A
She's laden deep    as deep can be
   Asus2 Em  F#m  Bm     G        D  G  D
But not  so  deep as the love I'm in
  F#m      Bm   G        D   Dsus4  Dsus2  D      
I know not if I sink or swim

Verse 2

    Bm     D        Bm Em     G       D    G D  
Oh love is handsome       and love is fine
   D/C#     Bm    Em              A   Asus4  A        
Bright as a jewel when first it's new
    Asus4  Em   F#m  D7       D7sus4 G         
but love  grows old and waxes cold
Em        F#m       A   A7      D   Dsus4 Dsus2 D          
And fades away like the morning dew.

Chorus 2

    Bm       D    Bm Em   G           D    G D
The water is wide       I can’t cross o'er
    D/C#    Bm   G Em       A   Asus4 A        
And neither have I wings to fly
      Asus4 Em   F#m  D7       D7sus4 G
Build me       a boat that can carry  two
 Em            F#m    A A7     D Bm G A D Dsus4 Dsus2 D          
And both shall row my love and I
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