Аккорды Glen Campbell - You Will Not Lose

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 26 Сентября 2024г.
Просмотров: 0
Glen played this on an Ovation 12 string electric

Intro riff  G  F#m  Bm

Verse 1

Stars  In your mind

All about them Zodiac signs

Well don't you worry about it
You will not lose  
F#m                  Bm
not if you use your heart

riff in   Bm 

Verse 2

Sinfull  things are coming

Guitar strings they're humming
Summing up all that you do
F#m                        Bm
All that goes through your heart

riff  in Bm

Chorus 1
Don't you worry about it

You will not lose
(You will not lose)

F#m                  Bm
Not if you use your heart
(not if you use your heart)

riff in Bm  G F#m  Bm


Stars           in your mind
( I can see)  ( you're about to sweat it)

All about them Zodiac signs
( what comes in to be well just let it)
You will not lose
(you will not lose)
F#m                 Bm
Not if you use your heart
(not if you use your heart)

riff in Bm

Verse 3

Sinfull things    are comming
( a power)     (already  told you)

It doesn't matter    whose coming  
(if you're righteous) (whose gonna hold you)

Summing up all that you do
( summing up all that you do)

F#m                         Bm
All that goes through your heart
(All that goes through your heart)

Chorus 2

Don't you worry about it
You will not lose
(you will not lose)

F#m                 Bm
Not if you use your heart
(not if you use your heart)

riff in Bm  Go up 1/2 Step

(Duet 2)

Save us            up and flying
( The grass)    (always looks greener)

Taking to               mostly lies
(You know the heart)  (just might be cleaner)

Chorus 3

Don't you worry about it
You will not lose
(You will not lose)
G                   Cm
Not if you use your heart
(not if you use your heart)

Don't you worry about it
You will not lose
( you will not lose)
G                    Cm          
Not if you use your heart
(not if you use your heart)

Outro Riff in Cm
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