Аккорды Hank Green - Adult Female

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 05 Июня 2024г.
Просмотров: 52
G                 D     
This songs for a girl
no wait I changed my mind
G             D           Am7
this song is for an adult female

[Verse 1]
G           D                    Am7                           G
Is it just me or is creepy how often pet names refer to little children
          D                     Am7
And it's not just girl and it's not just baby
           G          D                                 Am7
it's also boy and I even think it's where we get shawty

[Verse 2]
        G                D             Am7
So this song is for the adult female I love
         G                    D                  Am7
and if there's anything that she's been dreaming of
     D      Am7
And if she wants me to
     D               Am7
I'll do whatever she asks me to do
    G          D            Am7
as long as it isn't really evil
    G       D              Am7    
or otherwise makes me uncomfortable.
                    G              D        Am7
cause that's what love is, and I have it, for her.

[Verse 3]
G                   D
This song is about love
But not about what we think of as love
      G        D                Am7
especially if "we" are Justin Bieber

[Verse 4]
Love is hard and love is messy
And it can hurt worse than fire 
And sometimes it makes you want to tear down a 
building with your bare hands

         D      Am7
But it also happens to be
    D                      Am7      
the best thing that's ever happened to me
         G               D           Am7
And I'm obviously not a big fan of hyperbole.

[Verse 5]
         G                D            Am7
So this song is for the adult female I love
        G                D                  Am7
And if there's anything she's been dreaming of
    D         Am7                  D               Am7            
And if I can acquire it with the amount of money I have
        D             Am7
without making myself destitute
             D            Am7                  
then all she has to do is ask
         G           D                Am7
And I'll be with her until the end of time
             G       D        Am7
as long as time ends before I die. [hold]


                   G             D            Am7
'cause that's what love is, and I have it, for her.
                  G             D            Am7
yeah that's what love is, and I have it, for her.
             G             D            Am7
that's what love is, and I have it, for her.
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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