Аккорды Johnny Cash - Cool Water

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 40
  A                E                A                E7
All day I've faced a barren waste without the taste of water
E7   A     A
Cool water
    D              E                       A          D
Ole Dan and I with throats burned dry, and souls that cry
    A     A
For water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water

A                            E
Keep a-movin' Dan, don't you listen to him Dan
         A                       E7                            A     A
He's the devil not a man, and he spreads the burnin' sand with water
D                     A
Dan, can you see that big green tree
          D                              E                        A   D
Where the water's runnin' free, and it's waiting there for me and you
     A      A
It's water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water

    A                   E                A                E7
The nights are cool and I'm a fool, each star's a pool of water
E7   A     A
Cool water
    D                  E                  A     D
But with the dawn I'll wake and yawn, and carry on
   A     A
To water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water

A                            E
Keep a-movin' Dan, don't you listen to him Dan
         A                        E7                            A     A
He's the devil, not a man, and he spreads the burnin' sand with water
D                     A
Dan, can you see that big green tree
          D                              E                        A   D
Where the water's runnin' free, and it's waiting there for me and you
     A     A
It's water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water
E7    E7    A     A
Cool, clear water
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