Аккорды Johnny Cash - Girl Of The North Country

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 15
G         Bm                C             G 
If you're travellin' in the North Country fair. 
G                   Bm           C     G 
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline. 
G        Bm    C             G        
Remember me to one who lives there. 
G           Bm     C            G 
For she was once a true love of mine. 
G      Bm           C          G  
If you go where the snowflakes fall. 
G          Bm     C          G 
The rivers freeze and summer ends 
G              Bm       C                  G 
Please see for me she's wearing a coat sow warm. 
G           Bm       C       G 
To keep her from the howling winds. 
G              Bm          C              G 
Please see for me that her hair's hanging down. 
G          Bm    C             G  
Her golden curls roll down her breast. 
G              Bm          C              G 
Please see for me that her hair's hanging down. 
G                Bm      C          G 
Cause that's the way I remember her best. 
G            Bm                C             G 
So if you're travellin' in the North Country fair. 
G                   Bm           C     G 
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline. 
G        Bm    C             G 
Remember me to one who lives there. 
G           Bm     C            G 
For she was once a true love of mine. 
 |  G  |  Bm  |  C  |  G  |  

 |  G  |  Bm  |  C  |  G  |  
G        Bm       C          G 
Wondrin' if she remembers at all 
G    Bm    C          G 
Many times I've often prayed 
G      Bm       C     G 
In the darkness of my night 
G      Bm         C     G 
In the brightness of my day 
G            Bm                C             G 
So if you're travellin' in the North Country fair. 
G                   Bm           C     G 
Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline. 
G        Bm    C             G 
Remember me to one who lives there. 

(one strum each, sing slowly) 
G           Bm     C            G    (back to regular speed) 
For she was once a true love of mine. 
Repeat progression, Johnny and Bob harmonize on the following words,

over the chords, repeating as necessary. 
True love of mine(True love of mine) 

True love of mine(True love of mine) 

True love of mine(True love of mine) 

True love of mine(True love of mine) 

G       Bm     C            G 
She was once a true love of mine.
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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