Аккорды Johnny Cash - Kate

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 60
Well I saw you with another it made me lose my mind 

Shot you with my .38 and now I'm doing time
               F               C
And you put me here you put me here
Well there's no need to doubt it there ain't no two ways about it
   C                        G7         C
As sure as your name's Kate you put me here

I've been trying to tell 'em that I didn't do no wrong

Only gave you what you've been deserving all along
               F               C
And you put me here you put me here
Ain't no use denying you did it with your lying
   C                        G7         C
As sure as your name's Kate you put me here

Well the jury found me guilty they wouldn't hear my plea

I listened as that judge said murder in the first degree
               F               C
And you put me here you put me here
Well there ain't no need to doubt it there ain't no two ways about it
   C                        G7         C
As sure as your name's Kate you put me here

Now the warden and the preacher they're letting me go slow

It won't be long until I'm gone just thirteen steps to go
               F               C
And you put me here you put me here
There's just one way to figure your cheating pulled the trigger
   C                        G7         C
As sure as your name's Kate you put me here
Well there ain't no need to doubt there ain't no two ways about it
   C                        G7         C
As sure as your name's Kate you put me here

Kate you just plain bad you know that
Музыка выражает то, что нельзя выразить словами и то, о чем нельзя молчать (Виктор Гюго)
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