Аккорды Johnny Cash - Lady

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 17

C    Am      C                Am            F                         C
Lady... your arms were always warm and your bed was always ready when I came
C   Am      C             Am
Lady in the middle of the night
          Dm                 D7                G
You would open up when you'd hear me call your name
             C               Em      F             C
And you were always there to see the turning of my key
         F                               G
And your laughing voice to me was like a song
C    Am      C                  Am        F               G               C
Lady... your spirit's sweet and free it's hanging on with me now that I'm gone

[ piano + strings ]
C Em F G
C Em F G

C    Am     C                Am           F                        C
Lady... you spoke softly and kind and you never had a word to criticize
C   Am   C           Am          Dm               D7         G 
Lady you know I love you so even more than I ever let you realize
    C              Em                F               C
And day or night I knew that I could bring it all to you
       F                              G
And if I was wrong you'd never put me down
C    Am         C               Am      F                G               C
Lady... there's so much I could say but I can't find the way to write it down

Em F G

F              G               C
Can't find the way to write it down

Em F G C
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