Аккорды Johnny Cash - She's a Go-er

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 51
C                                           F
Well I think that I should tell you she's a go-er
    G7                                   C
And when she goes she won't come back no more
F                           C
There ain't nothing like it when you've got her all alone
D7                                G7
And there's not anything that can replace her when she's gone
     C                      F
Aw I envy you until the day she walks back out your door
    G7                                C
And that she's gonna do cause she's a go-er
    F             G7       C
Now don't let her stay too long
       F              G7                C
She'll take the heart right out of your song
F              G7        C
You'll pay the price for her one time 
    F            G7      C
But she won't be back anymore
F                  G7               C
I just thought I'd tell you she's a go-er
Yes I guess I should have told you she's a go-er
  G7                                      C
I should have told you that way back long before
F                                C
But I was trying to overcome the pain she put me through
D7                                    G7
I was fighting to forget her when she got around to you
   C                          F
Aw you'll be heaven high till she don't want you anymore
     G7                                 C
Then she'll be gone again cause she's a go-er
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