Аккорды Johnny Cash - Peace In The Valley

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 14
G                        C
I am tired and weary but I must toil on
         G             A7      D7
Till the Lord comes to call me away 
         G                           C
Well the morning's so bright and the lamb is the light
        G           A7   D7     G
And the night is as fair as the day
             C                       G
There will be peace in the valley for me some day
                           A7         D7
There will be peace in the valley for me I pray
        G          G7         C             A7
No more sorrow and sadness or troubles will be
              G            A7     D7   G
There will be peace in the valley for  me
Where the bear will be gentle and the wolves will be tame
        G              A7          D7
And the lion shall lay down by the lamb 
        G                             C
And the beasts from the wild shall be led by a child
            G                 A7       D7 G
And I'll be changed from this creature I  am
              C                       G
There will be peace in the valley for me some day
                           A7         D7
There will be peace in the valley for me I pray
        G          G7         C             A7
No more sorrow and sadness or troubles will be
              G            A7     D7   G
There will be peace in the valley for  me
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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