Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Greatest Cowboy Of Them All

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 43
I have always had my heroes
     F              C
I've loved a lot of legends
               F               G7
Many men in my mind are riding tall
But my cowboy hero hat's off
       A#             F
To the man who rode a donkey
C        F        C      G7      C
He's the greatest cowboy of them all

He loves all His little doggies
   F                       C
He speaks to them kind and gentle
                  F                 G7
And He'll lift up any maverick that falls
He sees every stray that's scatters
          A#                F
Like he's the only one that matters
C        F        C      G7      C
He's the greatest cowboy of them all
Once He rode into the sunset
   A#             F
Of some returning sunrise
He'll call up all the riders in the sky
I'll get my roll together
        A#             F
Getting ready for that roundup 
     A#                 F             C
That winds up where old cowboys never die
The trail He rides is narrow
         F                  C
But it's straighter than an arrow
                       F                 G7
And He rides point for all the great and small
He will take us through the wire
   A#                   F
On to that plane that's higher
C        F        C      G7      C
He's the greatest cowboy of them all
Once He rode into the sunset
   A#             F
Of some returning sunrise
He'll call up all the riders in the sky
I'll get my roll together
        A#             F
Getting ready for that roundup 
     A#                 F             C
That winds up where old cowboys never die
The trail He rides is narrow
         F                  C
But it's straighter than an arrow
                       F                 G7
And He rides point for all the great and small
He will take us through the wire
   A#                   F
On to that plane that's higher
C        F        C      G7      C
He's the greatest cowboy of them all
         F        C      G7      C
He's the greatest cowboy of them all
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