Аккорды Johnny Cash - When The Roses Bloom Again

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 13
In the rattle of the battle came a whisper soft and low
From a soldier who'd been wounded in the fray
     G                         C
I am dying Captain dying and I pray before I go
         D7                           G
You will give your promise ere I pass away
       C                           G
Do not ask me dear to linger for I know not what to say
When duty calls your sweetheart's name in vain
            G                               C
I hope your heart will not be crying if I'm not among the dying
        D7                            G
I'll be with you when the roses bloom again
             C                            G
Yes when the roses bloom again beside the river
And the robin redbreast sings it's sweet refrain 
      G                             C
As in days of Old Lang Syne I'll be with you sweetheart mine
        D7                            G
I'll be with you when the roses bloom again
       C                           G
Do not ask me dear to linger for I know not what to say
When duty calls your sweetheart's name in vain
            G                               C
I hope your heart will not be crying if I'm not among the dying
        D7                            G
I'll be with you when the roses bloom again
             C                            G
Yes when the roses bloom again beside the river
And the robin redbreast sings it's sweet refrain 
      G                             C
As in days of Old Lang Syne I'll be with you sweetheart mine
        D7                            G
I'll be with you when the roses bloom again
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