Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Thanksgiving Prayer

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 08 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 43
G                 D7          Em
We've come to the time in the season
     C                         G
When family and friends gather near
D7                         Em
To offer a prayer of Thanksgiving
    C                                 D7
For blessings we've known through the year
   C                        G
To join hands and thank the creator
C                            D7
And now when Thanksgiving is due
G         D7              Em
This year when I count my blessings
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
          D7              Em
This year when I count my blessings
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
                     D7          Em
I'm grateful for the laughter of children
    C                        G
The sun and the wind and the rain
    D7               Em
The color of blue in your sweet eyes
    C                        D7
The sight of a high ball and train
    C                G
The moon rise over a prairie
C                         D7
Old love that you've made new
G         D7              Em
This year when I count my blessings
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
          D7              Em
This year when I count my blessings
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
                  D7          Em
And when the time comes to be going
   C                      G
It won't be in sorrow and tear
     D7                        Em
I'll kiss you goodbye and I'll go on my way
C                       D7
Grateful for all of the years
  C                      G
I thank for all that you gave me
    C                         D7
For teaching me what love can do
G                        Em
Thanksgiving day for the rest of my life
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
Thanksgiving day for the rest of my life
    C            D7           G
I'm thanking the Lord He made you
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