Аккорды Johnny Cash - Troublesome Waters

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 13
C                       F            C
Troublesome waters much blacker than night
                Am                       G7
Are hiding from view the harbor's bright light
C                        F             C
Tossed in the turmoil of life's stormy sea
              Am          G7       C
I cried to my Savior have mercy on me
     F                                   C
Then gently I'm feeling the touch of His hand
           Am                G7
Guiding my boat in safely to land
C                  F               C
Leading the way to heaven's bright shore
            Am         G7         C
Troublesome waters I'm fearing no more
                   F            C
Troublesome waters around me do roll
                   Am                   G7
They're rocking my boat and wrecking my soul
C                           F         C
Loved ones are drifting and living in sin
                Am             G7           C
The treacherous whirlpools are pulling them in
     F                                   C
Then gently I'm feeling the touch of His hand
           Am                G7
Guiding my boat in safely to land
C                  F               C
Leading the way to heaven's bright shore
            Am         G7         C
Troublesome waters I'm fearing no more
                            F          C
When troublesome waters are rolling so high
           Am                       G7
Lift up my voice and to heaven I'll cry
C                     F                C
My Lord I am trusting give guidance to me
              Am      G7              C
And steady my boat on life's troubled sea
     F                                   C
Then gently I'm feeling the touch of His hand
           Am                G7
Guiding my boat in safely to land
C                  F               C
Leading the way to heaven's bright shore
            Am         G7         C
Troublesome waters I'm fearing no more
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