Аккорды Johnny Cash - Pie In The Sky

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 15
        E      A      E
From the day of your birth
            A    E     A       E
It's bread and water here on earth
       A        E           B7       E
To a child of light, to a child of light
                     A       E
But there'll be pie in the sky
           A      E
By and by when I die
          A       E      B7          E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
                 A      E
There'll be pie in the sky
           A       E
By and by when I die
          A       E     B7          E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
E             A        E
Sometimes I doubt in fear
       A            E        A      E
That I've really gained salvation here
          A        E        B7           E
For it's out of sight, for it's out of sight
                     A       E
But there'll be pie in the sky
           A      E
By and by when I die
          A       E      B7         E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
     E               B7
He said if I do His will
There's a promise He'd fulfill
And He's gone now to prepare
Me a mansion out there
                    A       E
But there'll be pie in the sky
            A     E
By and by when I die
           A       E     B7         E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
                 A      E
There'll be pie in the sky
            A      E
By and by when I die
           A       E     B7        E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
                 A       E
There'll be pie in the sky
            E     E
By and by when I die
           A       E     B7         E
And it'll be alright, it'll be alright
                 A       E
There'll be pie in the sky
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