Аккорды Johnny Cash - Precious Memories

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 22
A                 D        A
Precious memories unseen angels
Sent from some where to my soul
A               D         A
How they linger ever near me
        E              A
And the sacred paths unfold
A                 D        A
Precious memories how they linger
D                      A
How they ever flood my soul
                 D         A
In the stillness of the midnight
         E               A
Precious sacred scenes unfold
                D      A
Precious father loving mother
Fly across the lonely years
A                    D          A
And the home scenes of my childhood
        E        A
In fond memory appears

A                 D        A
Precious memories how they linger
D                      A
How they ever flood my soul
                 D         A
In the stillness of the midnight
         E               A
Precious sacred scenes unfold
A                  D        A
Precious memories flood my soul
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