Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Winding Stream

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 31
Oh, give to me a winding stream
It must not be too wide

Where waving leaves from maple trees
D7                  G
Do meet from either side.
The water must be deep enough
   G7            C
To float a small canoe,
     D               G
With no one else but you.

   G                        D
Oh do not disturb my waking dream
                    D7         G
And the splendor of my winding stream,
                        G7                  C
Flower in my canoe her eyes they looked me through.
                    G              D              G
My maiden fair with golden hair is very much like you.

The sparkling trout beneath the bank
Does leave his hiding place.

Kingfisher from the bough above
   D7            G
So eager to give chase.

The spreading branches overhead,
    G7              C
The sunrise peeking through,
     D                 G
When looking, dear, at you.

   G                        D
Oh do not disturb my waking dream
                    D7         G
And the splendor of my winding stream,
                        G7                  C
Flower in my canoe her eyes they looked me through.
                    G              D              G
My maiden fair with golden hair is very much like you.
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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