Аккорды Johnny Cash - These Hands

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 43
C                     G7         C
These hands ain't the hands of a gentleman 
                G7            C
These hands are calloused and old
                     E            F             C
These hands raised a family these hands built a home
                          D          G7
Now these hands raised to praise the Lord

      C             G7          C
These hands won the heart of my loved one 
                        G7     C
And with hers they were never alone
                            E              F              C
If these hands filled their task then what more could one ask
                       G7            C
For these fingers have worked to the bone

                       E          F             C
Now don't try to judge me by what you'd like me be
                   G7     C      G7
For my life hasn't been A success
     C           E         F          C
Some people have power but still they grieve
                             A    G7
While these hands brought me happiness

        C             G7        C       G7   C
Now I'm tired and I'm old and I haven?t much gold
                        E         F
Maybe things ain't been all that I planned
                                  C       G7    C
Lord above hear my plea when it's time to judge me
                     G7           C
Take a look at these hard working hands
                     G7           C
Take a look at these hard working hands
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