Аккорды Johnny Cash - What Is Man

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 31
A                        D
What is man that you are mindful of him Lord
             A                   D
You made the stars, you made the sun
            A                   D
And all the worlds that came to be at your command
        A                D
What is man? What has he done?

         G                             D
Then you crown him with glory and with honor
            G                           A
Give him dominion over land and sea and air
          D                    G
And store up an inheritance in heaven
           D        A         D
Oh what is man that you would care?

        A                  D
What is man that you would let him live at all
            A                D
To shed the blood of his own kind
         A            D
And ever fail to even follow where you call
        A               D
What is man? Why do you mind?

        G                            D
Yet you crown me with glory and with honor
           G                           A
Give me dominion over land and sea and air
          D                    G
And store up my inheritance in heaven
            D             A
Oh, what is man, that you care?
        D               A         D
What is man, Lord, that you would care?
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