Аккорды Johnny Cash - Burden Of Freedom

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 21
C                                      D 
I stand on the stairway my back to the dungeon
               G                       C
The doorway to freedom so close to my hand
       D             G                C
The voices is around me now bitterly damn me
               D       G               C
For seekin' salvation they don't understand

                F                      C
Lord help me to shoulder this burden of freedom
                F                     G 
And give me the courage to be what I am
              C                       D 
And when I am wounded by those who condemn me
             G                          C
Oh Farter forgive them they don't understand

Their lonely frustration descending to laughter
               G                      C
Erases the footprints I leave in the sand
                D       G                C
But I'm free to travel where no one can follow
                 D        G               C
In search of the kingdom they don't understand

                F                      C
Lord help me to shoulder this burden of freedom
                F                     G 
And give me the courage to be what I am
              C                       D 
And when I am wounded by those who condemn me
             G                          C
Oh Farter forgive them they don't understand
             G                          C
Oh Farter forgive them they don't understand
Без музыки жизнь была бы заблуждением (Ницше)
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