Аккорды Johnny Cash - Miller's Cave

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 58
G            D            G
Way down in  the state of Georgia
            D              G
Through the swamps and everglades
G7        C             G
There's a hole in Tiger Mountain
                          D                G
God help the man who gets lost in Miller's Cave
                    D         G
I had me a girl  in Way Cross Georgia
        D              G
But she had unfaithful ways
G7      C            G
Made me feel I was unwanted
                      D                 G
Like the bats and the bears in Miller's Cave
                  D               G
I couldn't stand  the way she did me
           D                G
I Couldn't take her lowdown ways
G7          C                      G
Before I'll stay with the cheating woman
                      D                 G
I'll go live with the bears in Miller's Cave
                 D          G
I caught her out one Sunday morning
          D               G
With some guy we call Big Dave
G7      C                G
Meanest man in Way Cross Georgia
                            D                G
I'd rather fight a mountain lion in Miller's Cave
                  D            G
I said you'll pay both you and Davy
       D               G
I must see you in your graves
G7              C             G
They laughed at me and then I shot 'em
                               D                 G
I took their cheating scheming bones to Miller's Cave
                 D         G
That woman made  me feel unwanted
       D                   G
But I guess I showed her I was brave
G7          C                   G
Most wanted man in the state of Georgia
                                    D                G
But they'll never find me cause I'm lost in Miller's Cave
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