Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Good Earth

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 42
C                                        Am
The good earth swallows up the seed and swallows life as well 
F                                          G               G7
From long before the day you're born till heaven comes or hell 
C                                        Am
It binds your hands with chains of clay those are so hard to break 
      F                               G             C
But when I left good earth behind I made a big mistake 
 Am                                  C
I've traveled far and traveled wide I've seen a lot of things 

 D                                    G                   G7
But looking back on all the years I don't know what they mean 
 C                                      Am
Like steel I'm probably stronger From going through the fire 
    F                               G            C
I kept on climbin' lower Diggin' deeper to get higher 
    C                                 Am
I turned around one evening when the sun was going down 
    F                                      G                G7
I heard the Bible told a preacher who had just pulled into town 
    C                                    Am
At last I'm back on good earth where I should have always been 
 F                                 G                C
Lord forgive me if I ever try to leave good earth again 
 Am                              C
Well the good earth was my mama and my daddy too 

 D                                 G               G7
Now I'm working my hands in soil tryin' to pay my due 
 C                                    Am
And when I'll breathe my last breath which may not be too long 
Just shovel a little good earth over my head 
                                          G            C
Till everybody open up the hymn book and sing a happy song 
Shall we gather at the river in the sweet by and by 
 F                           G                      G7
Just as I am Jesus loves me one of these days I'll fly 
 C                            Am
I'm standing on the promises Lord build the place for me 
 F                                    G        C
In the good earth over Jordan by the Sea of Galilee mhm
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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