Аккорды Johnny Cash - Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 12
C                                C7
I'm going down this road feeling bad:
F                        C    C7
Bad luck's all I've ever had;
F                            C          Am
Going down this road feeling bad, Lord, Lord,
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way.

C                             C7
Got me way down in jail on my knees:
F                                  C      C7
This old jailer he sure is hard to please
F                          C           Am
Feed me on corn, bread and peas, Lord, Lord
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way
C                           C7
Sweet mama, won't buy me no shoes:
F                                                 C      C7
Lord, she's left me with these lonesome jailhouse blues;
F                             C            Am
My sweet mama won't buy me no shoes, Lord, Lord,
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way.
C                                  C7
And these two-dollar shoes hurt my feet  
F                                  C   C7
The jailer won't give me enough to eat,
F                                   C           Am
These two-dollar shoes they hurt my feet, Lord, Lord,
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way

C                                    C7
I'm going where the climate suits my clothes;
F                                              C    C7
Lord, I'm going where these chilly winds never blow
F                                    C              Am
I'm going where the climate suits my clothes, Lord, Lord,
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way.

C                                    C7         Am            
Yes, I'm going down the road feeling bad, Lord, Lord,
F                                     C    C7
Lord, I'm going down the road feeling bad,
F                         C
Bad luck is all I've ever had,
      G7                          C
And I ain't gonna be treated this a-way
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