Аккорды Johnny Cash - The Color of Love (feat. June Carter Cash)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 64
Well I used think the color of love would be a rosy red or a pretty pink
        A                                                                 E
And I thought it would be a thirsty man crawlin' home to get a big old drink
         A                             D                               A
And I thought love was spelled like a bell B-E-double L bell that you ring
Stead of wham bam Hit your man with a pan 
Hit him on the head and listen to the birdies sing
     D                                                            A
Oh you heart breakin' love makin' cut me-a-piece-of-bacon man of mine
          E                                                       A
And you money shiftin' flour siftin' nose liftin' rose of woman kind

      D                                                                A
Just keep on doin' what you're doin' what You're doin' suits me just fine
      E                                         A
And love I tell You somethin' else you blow my mind

Well I used to think the color of love would be a Soft green like a pea in a 
And I thought love Would strike like a light flashin' down a big old lightning

         A                           D                                 A
And I thought love was spelled W-E-double L well that would never run dry
Instead of choke choke I'm so broke and dry I can't afford a little bitty tear 
to cry
    D                                                      A
Oh you money turnin' egg churnin' butter burnin' baby of mine 
     E                                                        A
You half crazy lean and lazy pretty as a wilted daisy man of mine

      D                                                                A
Just keep on doin' what you're doin' what You're doin' suits me just fine
      E                                         A
And love I tell You somethin' else you blow my mind   
         D                                              A
Day and night all right love me till I'm old and going wild
      E                                         A
And love I tell You somethin' else you blow my mind
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