Аккорды Johnny Cash - Best Friend

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 26
E                                      A
Hmm an old man on his death bed once said to me
            E                 A
You are the master of your destiny

    D                          A
A diamond is a diamond and a stone is a stone
       E                      A
But a man's not all good nor all bad
          E                          A 
When the chips're all down and your back's at the wall
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had

                         D                    E                    Am
So you laugh when it's time to laugh and you cry when it's time to cry
                  D                        E                        Am
Live while it's time to live cause you'll die when it's time to die hmm
E                               A
Then he closed his eyes and he left me alone
          E                                A
This old man's wisdom brought his meaning home

    D                          A
A diamond is a diamond and a stone is a stone
       E                      A
But a man's not all good nor all bad
          E                          A 
When the chips're all down and your back's at the wall
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had

                         D                    E                    Am
So you laugh when it's time to laugh and you cry when it's time to cry
                  D                        E                        Am
Live while it's time to live cause you'll die when it's time to die hmm
 E                               A
Well now that I'm older I found this is true
                 E                          A
The thing that remains is the good that you do

    D                          A
A diamond is a diamond and a stone is a stone
       E                      A
But a man's not all good nor all bad
          E                          A 
When the chips're all down and your back's at the wall
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had
            E                           Am
You're the best friend that you've ever had
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