Аккорды Johnny Cash - Blues Eyes

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 50
C                                  F   
Oh I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes 
       G                     C 
Who is sailing for over the sea 
Yes I'm thinking tonight of her only 
       G                        C 
And I wonder if she ever thinks of me 
C                                            F
It would have been better for us both had we never 
             G                    C
In this wide wicked world that we make 
For the pleasures we both seen together 
G                        C
I'm a sure I will never forget 
C                                  F   
Oh I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes 
       G                     C 
Who is sailing for over the sea 
Yes I'm thinking tonight of her only 
       G                        C 
And I wonder if she ever thinks of me 
C                                 F
When the cold cold grave shall enclose her 
               G                     C
When you come and you shed just one tear 
And say to the strangers around you 
       G                          C
Up the heart you have broken lies here 
C                                  F   
Oh I'm thinking tonight of my blue eyes 
       G                     C 
Who is sailing for over the sea 
Yes I'm thinking tonight of her only 
       G                        C 
And I wonder if she ever thinks of me
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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