Аккорды Johnny Cash - A Song For The Life

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 11
F                      C      D           F
I don't drink the way that I used to lately 
       C             F
That just ain't my style 
         F                C         D         F
And the hard times don't hurt like they once did 
                             C          F
They pass more quickly like when I was wild 

                   C7              F
And somehow I've learned how to listen 
                     C          F
To a sound like the sun going down 
                  C          F
In the magic the morning is bringing 
           F            C7     D       F
There's a song for the life I have found 
             C           F
It keeps my feet on the ground 

F              C          D      F
The midsummer days ain't too heavy 
                       C                 F
They just flow like a breeze through my mind 
     F         C     D       F
And nothing appears in a hurry 
                C              F
To make up for some old lost times 

                   C7              F
And somehow I've learned how to listen 
                     C          F
To a sound like the sun going down 
                  C          F
In the magic the morning is bringing 
           F            C7     D       F
There's a song for the life I have found 
             C           F
It keeps my feet on the ground

                   C7              F
And somehow I've learned how to listen 
                     C          F
To a sound like the sun going down 
                  C          F
In the magic the morning is bringing 
           F            C7     D       F
There's a song for the life I have found 
             C           F
It keeps my feet on the ground
Музыка, подобно дождю, капля за каплей, просачивается в сердце и оживляет его (Роллан)
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