Аккорды Johnny Cash - You've Got a New Light Shining In Your Eyes

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 51
A  D  A

[Verse 1]
             A         D               E
You've got a new light shining in your eyes
          A             D                 E
And I can see now right where your beauty lies
         D               A              D                 A
And it's showing in your face that your heart has found a place
          B7                               E
And I can hear it in your whisper and your sighs

[Verse 2]
             A          D                E
You've got a new way of doing things you do
         A                    D                E
And it's plain to see there's been a change in you
      D               A           D                A
And I wonder could it be that the change is due to me
    B7            E                 A
For I have felt a certain something too

             D                          A
You've got a way about you now that you never had before
             D                               A
You've got a look you're wearing now like no look you ever wore
           D                       A
I tried to hide it for a while but now I realize
             A         D               A
You've got a new light shining in your eyes

A  D  A

             D                          A
You've got a way about you now that you never had before
             D                               A
You've got a look you're wearing now like no look you ever wore
           D                       A
I tried to hide it for a while but now I realize
             A         D               A
You've got a new light shining in your eyes
             A         D               A
You've got a new light shining in your eyes
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