Аккорды Johnny Cash - Billy & Rex & Oral & Bob

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 21

[Verse 1]
  A                          D
Ordained for proclaimin' the gospel of Jesus
    A                                  E
The great super preachers go crusadin' on
        A                    D
And the people all gather in big congregations
     A                       E        A  A7
They hear of the Saviour who came to atone

         D                           A                                                            E
And they kneel at the altar and they walk away happy then the devil starts gossip about money and sex
A                     D                    A                 E        A  A7
Makin' it hard on the good men of God like Billy and Bob and Oral and Rex

D                   A
Old Billy Sunday is dead and gone
A                                E
Young Jim Robertson's comin' on strong
    A                 D
And Billy and Rex and Oral and Bob
    A                       E           A
Are talkin' about Jesus and doin' their job

A  E  A

[Verse 2]
A                       D
Millions of people tune in Katherine Coolman
    A                                    E
And see her face shine with an unearthly light
A                       D
Garner Ted warns of the world of tomorrow
         A                      E        A   A7
But they criticized him and the reverend died

           D                  A                                                            E
'Cause the devil is after the great super preachers, he'd try to discredit the gospel they bring
    A         A7      D                 A                      E         A  A7
But Billy and Rex and Oral and Bob hold to their commitment to Jesus the King

D                   A
Old Billy Sunday is dead and gone
A                                 E
Young Tommy Barnett is comin' on strong
    A                 D
And Billy and Rex and Oral and Bob
    A                       E           A  A7
Are talkin' about Jesus and doin' their job
D                   A
Old Billy Sunday is dead and gone
A                              E
Young Jimmy Snow is comin' on strong
    A                 D
And Billy and Rex and Oral and Bob
    A                       E           A
Are talkin' about Jesus and doin' their job
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