Аккорды Johnny Cash - I'll Go Somewhere And Sing My Songs Again (feat. Tom T. Hall)

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 51
  C                                G
A way out on the mountain near the sky
                        E         A
Hiding from the cold realities of life
        C                         G
Shaking that old road dust off my heels
                           D         G
I give my heart and mind a chance to heal

     C                                   G
Then I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again
                      E           A                D
More than likely ride back to the places that I've been
   C                           G
In fairness to my music and my friends
     C                              G
I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again


  C                               G
A raccoon stole my minnows in the night
                         E               A
Thought I appreciate his need and his appetite
    C                            G
But unlike me he doesn't have to roam
                             D             G
And it's true that man can't live on bread alone

     C                                   G
Then I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again
                      E           A                D
More than likely ride back to the places that I've been
   C                           G
In fairness to my music and my friends
     C                              G
I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again

   C                              G
It feels so good to have a simple wish
                           E            A
Where life and death is me and some old fish
     C                                 G
Poor king sits with a cold beer in his hand
                         D              G
And surveys a clear blue kingdom on the sand

     C                                   G
Then I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again
                      E           A                D
More than likely ride back to the places that I've been
   C                           G
In fairness to my music and my friends
     C                              G
I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again
     C                               G
I'll go somewhere and sing my songs again
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