Аккорды Johnny Cash - Jesus

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 57
G                                                       C
Now you know and I know I'm not the man I used to be anymore
G                                                             C
And you don't see me hanging 'round downtown like you could before
D                                C                      G
'Cause one day upon my knees I found what I never had before

I found Jesus
I found my Lord
D                                C                         G
And now I sing a harmony like I never ever new the Word before
J - e - s - u - s
C                       G
E everlasting love in Jesus
C                G
S for soul set free
C              G
U for you and me
D                     C             G
S the Son of God who died upon the tree

G                                                                        C
One day a man came up to me said "Son, you've gotta change or you won't last"
G                                                                 C
I thought it over what he said, saw deep inside the shadow of my past
D                                           C                            G
A still, small voice then spoke to me, my heart beat like it never had before

I found Jesus
I found my Lord
D                                C                         G
And now I sing a harmony like I never ever new the Word before
J - e - s - u - s
C                       G
E everlasting love in Jesus
C                G
S for soul set free
C              G
U for you and me
D                     C             G
S the Son of God who died upon the tree

J - e - s - u - s
C                       G
E everlasting love in Jesus
C                G
S for soul set free
C              G
U for you and me
D                     C             G
S the Son of God who died upon the tree
D                     C             G
S the Son of God who died upon the tree
Но если и музыка нас оставит, что будет тогда с нашим миром? (Гоголь)
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