Аккорды Johnny Cash - That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine

Добавлено: @romashka
Дата добавления: 09 Мая 2024г.
Просмотров: 14
ATTENTION 1: All chords for 4 beats but not ** (2 beats) and * (1 beat)
ATTENTION 2: Sure you can play without Capo (then Transpose Button +3)

[Intro] (Piano)
| G     D    | G          ||

[Part 1]
     G**          D**          G
In a vine covered shack in the mountains,
        G                      D
bravely fighting the battle of time,
          G                             C
there's a dear one who's weathered life sorrows,
          G**           D**      G
it's that silver haired daddy of mine.

[Part 2]
     G                    G
If I could recall all the heartaches,
         C                         G
dear old daddy, I've caused you to bear;
   D                   G**             E7**
if I could erase those lines from your face
    A7                          D7
and bring back the gold to your hair.

[Part 3]
   G**           D**          G
If God would but grant me the power,
        G                      D
just to turn back the pages of time;
        G**        G**     C
I would give all I own, if I could but atone
        G**           D**      G
to that silver haired daddy of mine.

[Interlude] (Piano)
| G    G7    | C          | G     D7   | G          ||

[Part 2] (Reprise)
     G                    G
If I could recall all the heartaches,
         C                         G
dear old daddy, I've caused you to bear;
   D                   G**             E7**
if I could erase those lines from your face
    A7                          D7
and bring back the gold to your hair.

[Part 3] (Reprise)
   G**           D**          G
If God would but grant me the power,
        G                      D
just to turn back the pages of time;
        G**        G**     C
I would give all I own, if I could but atone
        G**           D**      G       G* D* G*
to that silver haired daddy of mine.
Музыка выражает то, что нельзя выразить словами и то, о чем нельзя молчать (Виктор Гюго)
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